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Google Goggles Search | Download

Google Goggles

Use pictures to search the web. Watch a video

Get Google Goggles

Android (1.6+ required)

Download from Android Market.

New! iPhone (iOS 4.0 required)

Google Goggles in action
Name Google Goggle  mistaken as Google google. is reverse image search application.Google goggles is an awesome application which lets you to make a image search from your mobile and find  the information of your image.Google goggles can detect places, text, landmarks, contact informations, books, wine, logos and many more which is in research process.Below are some of the searches which can be done using Google goggles search.

Text  Wine Logos Landmarks

BooksContact Info Artwork

Preview of the Google goggles Contact Information Image search.
Goggles results for contact information scan.
